Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy bday nanny!!!

Hi everyone!!!! Okay so today was my nannys bday. Okay I know wht ur thinking....marissa has a nanny??!!! Not a nanny like a babysitter a nanny like a grandma. When I was younger and my nanny came over to visit I ran throughout the halls screaming nanny nanny!!! At the time we called her nana. Then of course being the oldest everyone looked up to me and called nana nanny!!! It was a gr8 moment for a 2year. Old to have:) Anyways today was her birthday!!! I'm not saying how old she is because tht would be rude but she is young... Not in her 40s older than tht. There's ur hint!!!;) anyways today we went out to a Chinese resturaunt than back at her house for dessert. It was fun. Everyone was there. We played corn hole and for a short time truth or dare. It was a lot of fun!!! Happy bday nanny!!! AND MANY MANY MANY MORE!!!!!:):)

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