Thursday, October 27, 2011


SOoOOSO sorry tht i havent been posting (like anyone goes on my blog) ive been really busy!!! Okay so i am just like going crzyzyyy here with school!!! its getting on my last nerve!!! i have no time to talk to nc friends!!!!!! AND IM JUST DIEING TO TALK TO JACKIE!!!!!!! ITSSS BEEN FOREVA AND N IM JUST LIKE SOOO TICKED THT IM NOT TALKING TO HER OR TELLING HER WHT UP!!!!! UGGGHHHH!!!!!!! so sad:( imma call her after i get off of this but i just need to post something!!! Im miss blogging it is soooo awesomeeee!!!!!!! Its a gr8 way to vent and keep intouch with friends and all u really have to do is be a fast typer and u cld do this in 5 min!!!!! ITsss gr888!!!!! SO i have this super annoying friend named catherine and shes just getting on m last nerve. Shes been mad at me this ole week because i have been "ignoring" her in hr and then in chorus we r magically friends again!!! and then after chorus we hate eachother ( did someone say hormones?!?) She is also jealious of me and my friend alex so she is always trying to make her jealious of us!!! But alexx is like my bestie and im not doing tht to her so i end up making catherine jealious of me and alexx!!!!!!!!!! its hysterical!!! But i looooovveeee alexx she is like the sweetest person u will ever meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (also the shortest) jk i lovee u alexx!!! lol!!!! anywaysss i just am ieng to call jackie so i gtg biiii!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Me and alexxxx:)

So i made a friend named alex through my school and she izzz sooooo awesome!!!!!!!!! right now she is over my house and we r just hanging out!!!! its kinda akward because my cousin is here tooo!!!!!!!!!! we r going out to dinner with them tonight:) funnnnn!!!! yup i have a new word and it izz........... YUPPIOOOOO!!!! LOL jamaya taught me tht:) i went to flags today and it wazzz awesome i went on the green lantern and nitro!!!!!! FRONT ROW SEATS!!!!!! it was sooo scary especially since green lantern u stand uppp!!!!!!!!!!!! anywayzzz got to get ready for dinner ttyl biiii